REVIEW: Oliver Tree has a cow at the Warfield

Oliver Tree

Oliver Tree performs at The Warfield in San Francisco on Feb. 22, 2022. Courtesy Chris Tuite.

SAN FRANCISCO — Oliver Tree is “never going to perform in San Francisco again.” The eccentric artist from Santa Cruz has gone on record saying that he’s going to retire, once more. He previously claimed that his last album, Ugly is Beautiful, would be his last. Despite this, he’s back on tour touring his latest effort, Cowboy Tears.

Tree’s “sendoff show” at the Warfield was an emotional rollercoaster of genre-bending music: the heavy alt-rock riffs of “I’m Gone,” phantasmal indie jams like “Alien Boy” and country songs with a touch of twang like “Cowboys Don’t Cry.”

Oliver Tree visited the city he called home for several years on a magical night: 2/22/22. The palindrome and angel number set the tone for a preternatural spectacle, and that’s what the crowd got.

Oliver Tree

Oliver Tree performs at The Warfield in San Francisco on Feb. 22, 2022. Courtesy Chris Tuite.

The set reflected the country theme of the new album. On stage-right, in front of the drummer, was a barrier of rocks, a wagon wheel, two cacti and what appeared to be the biggest acoustic guitar I’ve ever seen. Not an exaggeration: It was about as tall as the lead singer, who actually played the massive instrument for a few songs. A similar setup surrounded the guitarist, leaving Tree exposed–and free to run amok–at center stage. In the background of the stage was a traditional wooden outhouse (i.e., a toilet) and a life-size model cow.

Tree was a ball of fire as a performer. From the get-go, he created the ambiance he wanted. Screaming, he induced attendees to pull out their cell phones, turn on the flashlights, and sway to and fro like palm trees in the wind. There was never a dull moment. The show changed gears as many times as Oliver Tree did outfits: hopping into a new look no less than three times.

Oliver Tree

Oliver Tree performs at The Warfield in San Francisco on Feb. 22, 2022. Courtesy Chris Tuite.

Despite the relatively small floor at the venue, Tree–clad in a neon yellow construction worker jumpsuit and face mask–incited a mosh pit for the song “Fuck.” About halfway through the show, he decided to “hit the John” and pretended to relieve himself inside the outhouse (he was really just changing outfits). He paraded around stage on a series of props ranging from the life-size cow to a pocket bike. However, his most impressive onstage antic was scooter-related. Did you know Oliver Tree holds a Guinness World Record for building the world’s largest scooter?

He took center stage on a Razor Scooter and absolutely stomped a 360 jump like a true Santa Cruz shredder.

When it was all said and done, the crowd roared for an encore. Tree changed outfits one last time and staunchly took the stage with an electric guitar shaped like an automatic rifle. He closed the show with “I’m Gone,” a hulking anthem reminiscent of Weezer’s 1994 hit “Say It Ain’t So.”

If this is really it for Tree, that would be a swing and a miss. The wonderful weirdo has a knack for performing, and is a bonafide rockstar.

(5) Comments

  1. David

    Great recap of the show. Oliver tree rocks. This article does a tremendous job of describing an Oliver tree show and all the great entertainment that comes along with it. We really enjoyed seeing his outfit changes and hearing about his interaction with the audience.

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