REWIND: Pumping yourself up for what’s sure to be a difficult year
Redman at the 2019 MTV Video Music Awards at Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey on Aug. 26, 2019. Getty Images.
I’d like to be optimistic about 2024. I really would. Since the bad stuff started accelerating and spreading in 2015, and even since the plague hit in 2020, I’ve periodically tried to convince myself the new year would be the one when things got better. I’m a pessimist, but I don’t actually want the worst case to happen!
This year I’m not even going to try. COVID is worse than it’s been since before the vaccine, the persecution and attempted erasure of trans people is getting worse, the lunatic fringe can apparently get any Black woman they want fired with the New York Times as a hopefully-unwitting accomplice—it’s all bad. And to top it all off, it’s an election year while Moldy Orange is crazier than before and his most violent supporters are more emboldened to take the country by force.
It’s most likely going to be a very long year, is what I’m saying.
All that said, I refuse to despair! Because that lets the bigots, fascists and the other various worst people in the world win unchallenged. No, I’m bracing for a fight, because sitting out a fight because your comfort isn’t challenged is the same as participating in hurting those whose lives are on the line.
TV show “How I Met Your Mother” had some incredibly cringe-inducing moments, in retrospect, but one thing it got right is the concept of a “Get Psyched Mix.” Everyone needs a playlist they use to get in the right mindset for the situation. To that end, here are five songs for your Get Psyched Mix heading into 2024.
DMX — “Party Up”
I bet you expected me to jump right into songs encouraging people to fight for justice? We’ll get there, but first we need to get into the right mindset, and nobody on Earth gets a person as hyped as DMX did. The passion and aggression are unmatched, and the energy is perfect to get you primed for pretty much anything.
And yes, I’m also including nonviolent things. Going on a hike? Prepare with DMX. Visiting a museum? DMX. Meeting the Pope? DMX, and maybe listen to DMX with him when you get there. There’s truly not a single inappropriate circumstance. It always goes first.
Rage Against the Machine — “Killing in the Name”
See? We got there.
You know the song so I’ll whine about some news: Rage drummer Brad Wilk announced that the band isn’t going to be touring anymore. The plague canceled the planned reunion tour, then they got like two shows into the second attempt before Zack de la Rocha tore his Achilles tendon, now… nothing.
This is especially tragic because I famously have never seen Rage live. I’ve almost seen them several times, but every time something got in the way. Friends from college blamed COVID on me because they were convinced it was the universe’s way of stopping me from seeing them again. It’s not great!
That said, Rage Against the Machine already said they’d never tour again in 2000 and 2011, so there’s always hope for 2031. They’ll be in their 60s at that point but, hey, better late than never. Hopefully.
M.O.P. — “Ante Up”
Less famous than DMX, and a bit less effective, M.O.P.’s “Ante Up” is still a classic in the same arena. It’ll get you psyched to do basically anything.
Fun fact: One half of M.O.P. is a rapper named Lil Fame. In the Soundcloud era, everyone is “Lil something,” but debuting in 1992, he was one of the first. Lil Kim followed in 1994 and Lil Wayne in 1995. The only famous “Lil” I can find who preceded him was Lil Jon—by a year.
If anyone wants to flesh out my Lil Timeline, let me know. And if you start rapping as Lil Timeline, I want a cut.
Black Flag — “Police Story”
Yes, I didn’t mention police brutality in the intro, but I was running out of space and I’m remedying it now. Police brutality is still a thing! Cops kill lots and lots of people every year!
I’m not sure exactly how they always pull it off, but every time an anti-police backlash starts to build steam they convince the entire country we’re in the middle of a historic crime wave and nowhere is safe. Like right now for instance, ask most people and they’ll say crime is out of control. But it’s not! According to actual statistics, crime is at its lowest level in decades! It’s safer out there than it’s been in the entire lifetime of some young adults.
And yet, somehow, so many people are convinced we’ve descended into anarchy that not only have reform efforts stopped or reversed, but police budgets are increasing. It’s madness. I will never fully understand how they so consistently pull it off.
Redman — “Time 4 Sumaksion”
This is a great shove-you-out-the-door song. The rest get you psyched, this one gets you moving. It’s a very important step that many people miss.
I do hope I’m wrong about this year, but if I’m not, be safe out there. Not because of the crime, but because of the fascists and their enablers. If you’re gay, trans, Black, Brown, Muslim, Jewish, an immigrant or a woman, none of this is news. But for the rest of you who haven’t had to deal with it yet: Good luck.
Follow publisher Daniel J. Willis and send column ideas to him at on BlueSky. (He has some invites if you ask nicely).