MUTEK San Francisco returning for second year

MUTEK SF 2018, Courtesy: Ella Rinaldo.
Electronica, audiovisual and digital art festival MUTEK will return to San Francisco for a second year, producers announced. The lineup for the festival, which will be held May 2 to 5 and will include programming that “blurs lines within genres and media,” according to a news release. In addition to music performances, there will be educational opportunities like panel discussions, culinary offerings and immersive art and technology.
The initial music lineup includes Kode9 & Koji Morimoto, GAIKA, Byetone, Dopplereffekt and Halal & Relaxer.
The festival made its first foray into the U.S. in 2018. The event began in 2000 in Montreal, and over the years has spread to Mexico City, Barcelena, Tokyo and other metropolitan centers throughout the world.
MUTEK San Francisco will feature artists from 11 countries, but as it does at other events, the focus is on acts from the U.S. The lineup also includes Abandoned Footwear & arc, Amnesia Scanner, Arpanet and Veronica Vasicka. Additional programing will be provided by the consulates general of France and Mexico, The Goethe-Institute and others.
As they were in 2018, performances will be broken up into four tracks: Digi Lab, featuring educational programming and discussion panels; A/Visions, featuring large audio-visual works; Nocturne, nighttime programming highlighting kinetic, dynamic electronic music that’s performed live; and Experience, a day-into-night affair featuring numerous artists, activations, and stages engaged at once.
Visit Evenbrite for tickets, which range from $150 to $450, and more information.