Tag Archives: 924 Gilman
Insert Foot: National Daughters Day, punk rock boyfriends and bleeding on strangers
Insert Foot vs. boyfriends and National Daughters Day. Social media told me Saturday was National Daughters Day, which I didn’t know existed. My first thought was to wonder if Iron Maiden celebrates “Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter” day. My second thought was to think my first thought was…
Review: Joel Reader celebrates birthday with Pansy Division, the Plus Ones and the Avengers
Joel Reader performs at Bottom of The Hill in San Francisco on April 2, 2017. Gary Chancer/STAFF. SAN FRANCISCO — Bottom of the Hill played host to a four-hour marathon of homegrown, old-school punk rock Saturday in honor of a musician who spent almost the entire night onstage. Joel…
Bay Area pays tribute to Green Day’s ‘Dookie’ at 924 Gilman benefit
Since 1989, Jesse Townley has played in numerous East Bay punk bands, such as Blatz, The Gr’ups, The Criminals and The Frisk. The first time that Townley—known to many in the 924 Gilman Street scene as Jesse Luscious—and Blatz played in Southern California, at a pizza parlor, they were…