Tag Archives: Gregory Alan Isakov
REVIEW: The Lumineers light up Chase Center with ‘Brightside’
The Lumineers perform at Chase Center in San Francisco on Aug. 3, 2022. Gary Chancer/STAFF. SAN FRANCISCO — Colorado folk rockers The Lumineers brought their Brightside Tour—and an all Coloradan lineup—to a near-capacity Chase Center Wednesday. Their 20-song set was a celebration of raw and bare-knuckled music for the soul.…
INTERVIEW: Gregory Alan Isakov tills the good earth in soil and song
Gregory Alan Isakov There are 18 weeks each year when singer-songwriter Gregory Alan Isakov suppresses his urges to put pen to paper, or hop into his DIY barn studio in rural Boulder, Colorado to record. That’s because those 18 weeks are farming season and Isakov, who owns a small…