Tag Archives: Hovvdy
Rachel Goodman’s top 35 alt-rock and alt-pop songs of 2021
Rachel Goodman’s top alt-rock and alt-pop songs of 2021. L to R; Row 1: Paul McCartney and Phoebe Bridgers; Maxïmo Park; Kings of Leon; Black Country, New Road; Wet Leg, The War on Drugs. Row 2: BC Camplight, Cannons, Strand of Oaks, Hovvdy, Ladyhawke, Fences, Sea Wolf, Courtney Barnett.…
Tuesday Tracks: Your Weekly New Music Discovery – Oct. 5
Clockwise from top left: Spiritual Cramp, Hovvdy, George FitzGerald, Walkways, DED, Sun Atoms and Sea Wolf. Hypnotic beats from George FitzGerald, warm vocals of Sea Wolf, blasting guitars of DED and droning soundscapes of Sun Atoms make the cut for this week’s best songs. We round out the list…
Tuesday Tracks: Your Weekly New Music Discovery
Every week, there’s a plethora of new music at our fingertips. Artists on platforms such as Spotify and Bandcamp are plentiful, and the radio offers a steady deluge of new singles, but who has time to sort through all that? RIFF does! We pooled our resources to find some of the best…