Tag Archives: Imperial Triumphant
Max Heilman’s 60 best metal albums of 2020: 20-11
The 60 best metal albums of 2020 include (clockwise from top left): Code Orange, Napalm Death, Garganjua, Pallbearer, Xibalba, Imperial Triumphant, Bell Witch & Aerial Ruin, Methwitch, Anaal Nathrakh and Huntsmen. We’re close to the last circle of hell, so I suppose Code Orange applies in more way than…
Max Heilman’s Top 50 albums of 2018: 20-11
Kids See Ghosts (Kanye West and Kid Cudi) We’re nearing the end of my top 50 albums list! If you’re just now joining me, check out part one, part two and part three before diving in. Several of these albums would have made it into my top 10 if not for several…