Tag Archives: The Shangri-Las
REWIND: Celebrate Jewish musicians for Yom Kippur
Neil Diamond. Wednesday is Tishrei 10, 5783, which was Yom Kippur. I’m not Jewish. I’m not anything, really, as I tend to not really be a joiner and most groups would rather not associate themselves with me. Thus, I’m not going to make myself look foolish and probably offend…
REWIND: In the early ’60s, music was about teenagers in car crashes
Jan & Dean circa 1970. Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images. Several times in the last few years I’ve mentioned American music’s most baffling subgenre: Dead teenager songs. There are plenty of baffling trends in music in this country. The late ’90s swing revival, for example. Remember that? What…
REVIEW: ShitKid squeezes out every last song on ‘Sort Stjerne!’
Perhaps you’ve never heard of ShitKid, and if not, you’re finding out too late, since the release of their newest album, Sort Stjerne! (translated from Swedish to Dark Star!), is their last. The double album is a collection of 22 unreleased tracks by artist Åsa Söderqvist, ranging through phases…