Tuesday Tracks: Your Weekly New Music Discovery – Aug. 13

Clockwise from top left: Scarypoolparty, Dizzy Fae, Seratones, Angelica Garcia, Kelsey Waldon and Wild Rivers.
Every week, there’s a plethora of new music at our fingertips.
Artists on platforms like Spotify and Bandcamp are plentiful, and the radio offers a steady deluge of new singles, but who has time to sort through all that? RIFF does!
We pooled our resources to find some of the best new singles from all genres and backgrounds, so you can find your newest earworm without all the drama. Enjoy this week’s hidden gems.
Dizzy Fae, “Big Walls” — Dizzy Fae has released the music video for “Big Walls” from her NO GMO mixtape. It explores the disconnect between who people would like to be and who they currently are. Fae’s storytelling remains open to interpretation, leaving listeners to draw their own conclusions from her lyrics and imagery. She plays all the characters in the video, reflecting her personal feelings about the various situations she ends up and the various people with whom she interacts. Through the lens of her contemporary, dreamy, synthetic pop approach, complicated relationships get an infectious treatment.
Wild Rivers, “I Do” — Wild Rivers dive deep into tumultuous post-breakup emotions—denying what really happened, trying to convince yourself and others that it was for the best and finally accepting it and finding peace. The arrangement takes a cheerful form, as drums, guitar and some piano swell and develop alongside the singing. The actual lyrics remain rather glum, but the hook, “It’s just an old habit, I don’t want to kick it,” captures the essence of the post-break fallout. “I Do” processes the feeling of being surrounded by reminders of an ex-lover and the false comfort of pretending like the relationship didn’t fall appart—if only just for a moment.
Seratones, “Fear” — Seratones’ latest single from their upcoming album, Power, centers on how fear can ruin your opportunities before you can take advantage of the opportunities. A feeling of self-doubt lingers in the background of the track’s earthy, yet spacious arrangement, reflecting how people can question every action they take and prejudge whether it will turn out well. Seratones offsets this feeling by drawing heavy inspiration from doo-wop. “Fear” starts to push pessimistic feelings away to bring a positive outcome into focus.
Angelica Garcia, “Karma The Knife” — Angelica Garcia comes out with a fun and somewhat chaotic video for “Karma The Knife.” Garcia drives home her wish that people would differentiate between human error and actual ill intent, allowing karma to take its course. Over quirky transitions and vibrant colors, she employs an interesting combination of a looped ragtime piano riff, Jack-White-esque shout-singing and a trotting beat.
Scarypoolparty, “Cholo Love” — Following his Lollapalooza debut, Scarypoolparty released “Cholo Love,” an impressive piano and vocal feature. This stripped-down love song emphasizes his chops with both of these instruments of choice. The video imparts a darker tone, with the hooded figures surrounding him as he sings his heart out. There’s a very ominous feeling the ghoulish monk-like figures standing motionless, deepening the atmosphere of a rather bare-bones track.
Kelsey Waldon, “Sunday’s Children” — Kelsey Waldon wrote “Sunday’s Children” to call out people using God as a reason to spread hatred. She has long been known for writing music about relevant issues like this, with a biting will for change. “Sunday’s Children” stays in line with its British-invasion-style bass line and fat back beat. Waldon barges people to stop using religion to justify bigoted behaviors, emphasizing the inherent hypocrisy when hate speech crops up in Christian churches. The song allows the audience to focus on her message with a minimal arrangement allowing her powerful voice to take the spotlight.
Aarushi’s Pick: This week, “I Do” was my favorite song. Each listen elicited a very different feeling in me, depending on whether I focused on the music or the lyrics. It’s relatable in the sense that it focuses on the period right after a breakup, when both people have begun to find closure and move on. The song tracks the whole process of getting to that release, telling a vivid vivid story about a relationship and its demise. The song’s effectiveness makes it comforting, as Wild Rivers processes through a feeling most experience at least once.
Follow reporter Aarushi Nanda at Instagram.com/aarushi_nanda and at Twitter.com/aarushi_nanda.